Jujutsu Kaisen is currently one of the most visited shonen, thanks largely to the success of the first season of the anime and the prequel film, both directed by the artists of MAPPA. This popularity seems to have reached boundaries beyond comics and cartoons, and was given special attractions at Universal Studios Japan Park.

Next to the life-size statue of Satoru Gojo, a character who always ranks first in the ratings of fans of the series, is the famous park a range of exclusive goodsby Universal Studios, including another version of the Sorcerer that is more powerful than the work conceived by Gege Akutami.

Follow what already happened with the popcorn containers distributed for ONE PIECE: RED, with the unique shape of the Gom Gom fruit picked up by Luffy as she watched Jujutsu Kaisen: the real 4D Viewers were able to eat popcorn straight from a mini-reproduction of Gojo's Unlimited Void domain extension, which you can see in the post at the bottom of the page. Below is the official description of the attractions in the series: "Immerse yourself in the world of the hit anime series! Join Itadori and his friends fierce fight against a cursed spirit! The action takes shape before your eyes with a level of realism only possible at Universal Studios Japan.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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