The second part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean has recently arrived on Netflix, bringing fans back to the wonderful story written by Hirohiko Araki. But now that we’re back to Jolyne Kujo’s companions, there’s a question that’s been on the community’s mind so much. What are the 3 strongest stands of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure??

Until the release of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 3 on Netflix, we wonder what other stands will we see over the course of the next episodes of the anime adaptation and whether they will be even stronger than those already released.

JoJo’s characteristics make it one of the most popular series, but maybe not everyone remembers it The Stands did not debut with the first series. In fact, Stands do not appear in Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency. Only with the third part of Stardust Crusaders does Master Araki surprise the fans with the stand concept.

A booth is one physical manifestation of a person’s fighting spirit and varies depending on who is using it. The stand is therefore a fighting spirit, possessing in some cases abilities so complex and destructive that it can be considered divine.

Among the many that have appeared in the course of the work, to choose only three is quite difficult. The last step of the podium is controversial Tusk Act 4 by Jonathan Joestar, the state of the protagonist of Steel Ball Run and the Made in Heaven by Enrico Pucci. While the former can generate infinite rotational energy, breaching the multidimensional barrier and bypassing the effects of Time Stop, the latter has the ability to accelerate the flow of time and move so fast that it creates new universes in the process.

That the strongest stand is the Gold Experience Requiem by Giorno Giovanna. The power of this resistance is undeniable: it can restore the will of anyone who attacks it, putting another mind in a state of limbo. Not even its bearer can control it, this stand has an autonomous will that allows it to make completely arbitrary decisions.

There is no stronger stand than the Gold Experience Requiem in Araki’s work. However, in the video game JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, an alternate and very powerful version of Stand of God appears. The world above the sky is the strongest stand of all, but it’s not canonical. In a parallel story where God successfully eliminated the Joestars and gained Heaven, he created The World Over Heaven which, unlike the original version, can use the Time Stop with no time limit.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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