Jashin-chan Dropkick anime series has announced the details of its upcoming OVA titled "Jashin-chan Dropkick: Seikimatsu-hen" which is set to be released in Japan next winter. The production of this new episode is a collaboration between the franchise and the City of Takamori in Kumamoro Prefecture. It follows Jashin-chan as she is guided by the stars towards the south to defeat Yurine Hanazone, who rules a violent town.
The OVAs were funded through a crowdfunding campaign that ended in January in Japan, with the production company announcing that for every 30 million yen raised, they will produce a new OVA. When they reach twelve or thirteen, the OVAs will then become the fourth season of the anime adaptation for television broadcast in Japan and streaming services. The production is being handled by Makaria studios, who are currently producing the anime adaptation of Tsuyokute New Saga, instead of Nomad studios who worked on the previous series.
Jashin-chan Dropkick is a manga series written and illustrated by Yukiwo and published on Comic Meteor by Flex Comix since April 2012. The story follows Jashin-chan, a demon who has been summoned to Earth by Yurine Hanazono, a girl with a talent for the occult. Jashin-chan must live in Yurine's apartment as her familiar, but the only way for her to return to the demon world is to kill Yurine, which is easier said than done.
The series is known for being funded largely through crowdfunding campaigns, demonstrating a strong interaction between the fans and the production. This relationship likely contributed to the franchise being named the most popular of 2022 at the Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2023 (TAAF2023). Jashin-chan is also visited frequently by her demon friends: the kind-hearted Medusa Gorgona and the energetic Minotaur Minosu, who are much more polite than her and disapprove of her plans to kill Yurine.
In conclusion, Jashin-chan Dropkick continues to be a popular anime series, with a new OVA in the works and plans for more in the future. The series' unique blend of comedy, action, and supernatural elements, combined with the strong relationship between the fans and the production team, has made it a favorite among anime enthusiasts. So, if you haven't already, be sure to check it out and join in the fun!
Synopsis for Jashin-chan Dropkick
The demon Jashin-chan has been summoned to Earth by Yurine Hanazono, a girl with a gift for the occult. Unfortunately, Yurine doesn't really know how to send Jashin-chan back to hell. Now stuck on Earth, she must live in Yurine's apartment as her familiar. The only way for Jashin-chan to return would be to kill her summoner, but that's easier said than done for the incompetent demon. Since Jashin-chan is immortal and can regenerate her body, Yurine doesn't stop at attacking her with a variety of weapons, punishing her in horrific ways for her evil plans. Jashin-chan is also often visited by her demon friends: the kind-hearted Gorgon Medusa and the energetic minotaur Minosu, who seem much more polite by contrast, and disapprove of her plans to kill Yurine.
Source: comic natalie