The return of Hunter x Hunter, announced by Weekly Shonen Jump, ends a very long hiatus, the longest ever. That means we’ll see Kurapika and Leorio back on the ship grappling with a dangerous war of succession between Emperor Nasubi Hui Guo Rou’s sons. Let’s understand the situation Summary of Tserriednich’s abilities.

Under the principles of Kakin, Tserriednich is the Emperor’s fourth son. Son of Unma, making Benjamin his blood brother, this noble looking man is also one of the most dangerous. Like his other older brothers, he has great political and economic power, thanks to which he managed to attract the eyes of members of the Kuruta clan, which is well displayed in his showcase.

but Tserriednich is not only that. Besides being a good strategist, he also proves to be a very skilled fighter thanks to his unique ability to manipulate Nen. In fact, he manages to learn how to use it in a few hours, surprising Theta. Tserriednich is specialized: When he closes his eyes and enters a Zetsu state, he can predict what will happen in the next ten seconds. It can also see further into the future and maintain Zetsu’s long-term status.

His guardian animal is a type of horse with a very long head and a woman’s face, capable of opening its jaws and letting out a serpent’s tongue. His power lies in defending the prince from all who emanate from an enemy. The first attack is a warning, while the second would end the target’s human existence.

At the moment, Tserriednich is the most dangerous existence of Hunter x Hunter and also the number one enemy of this sequel saga.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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