The animated adaptation of the light novels Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Zahm ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen ((Rise of a bookworm) is nominated in the latest edition of the Anime Awards of Crunchyroll in the "Best Fantasy Series" category. That's why the production team said a few words about it: " Thank you for nominating us for the "Best Fantasy Series Award". We owe this nomination to our fans who love and support our franchise! We're starting production of the third season of “Honzuki no Gekokujou” and can't wait to show you more!».
🌟 🌟 ア ニ メ ア ワ ー 🌟 2021🌟】
「ベ ス ト フ ァ ン タ ジ ー 賞」 に 「本 き の の 下 上」 の 応 援 の の お か げ で す ☺️ ☺️ 今後 も 「本 好 き の 下 剋 上」 の 展開!T へ の 投票 は こ ち ら か ら thttps: // 本 好 き の 下 剋 剋 #AnimeAwards
- TV @ ime メ 「) 好 き の 下 剋 上 @ @ (@anime_booklove) January 16, 2021
On the other hand, Miya Kazuki published the original novels through the independent service Shousetsuka ni Narou between September 2013 and March 2017. Later the publication began on paper with images of Yuu Shiina by the publisher TO books in January 2015.
In addition to three manga adaptations, the piece inspired a 14-episode anime adaptation produced by the studios. Ajia-do animation works, Headed by Mitsuru mushroom and scripts from Mariko Kunisawa, Premiere in October 2019. A second season with twelve episodes premiered in April 2020 and the production of a third is confirmed.
Synopsis of Honzuki no Gekokujou
Motosu Urano, a book-loving student who recently received her certification as a librarian and should start her dream job after graduation, dies in an earthquake when she is crushed under her huge collection of books.
With the sole desire to keep reading, he wants to be reborn and reborn in a world of low literacy, very few books, limited only to the world's nobility. As she gets used to her new life as the five-year-old daughter of a lowly soldier named Mayne, there is no way to access the books no matter how much she wants to read. What do you do when there are no books? Of course you do it yourself ... Your goal now will be to become a librarian, no matter what, and live a life surrounded by books, but this time make it yourself.
Source: Official Twitter account
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