Although the coronavirus has messed up Mobile Suit Gundam's plans for 2020, the franchise has no intention of stopping its communications. Indeed from August 20th to 31st Gundam Online Expowho will bring the public a new range of Bandai Namco collectibles.
The following are the panels that make up much of the show::
- MG lineup exhibition: A special shop window will be set up on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the MG series.
- GUNPLA evolutionary history: The history and development of the Gunpla models is traced and new pieces are exhibited directly from the production center, the Bandai Hobby Center.
- Giant Gunpla Timeline: a recap of the Gundams forty year history and an in-depth analysis of the Gunpla packaging and its construction.
- Modeler Masterpiece Exhibit: a presentation of the best master grades from the brand's most famous model makers. There will also be space for the launch of the latest MGEX, specially designed for the franchise's 40th anniversary.
As you can see from the contents of the various panels, the event is entirely devoted to the history of Gunpla and the latest models to hit the market, with the special participation of some of the most important representatives of the model world.
A video from Japan on Gundams shows us a 1: 1 playback in motion. From Gundam to Code Geass, fans choose the best anime in the mecha genre.
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