director Tsutomu Mizushima (Girls and tanks, Shirobako, Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai) posted an update on Twitter, noting that "he's about to start a new project he's been planning for years." Some answers tried to guess the project, with assumptions like the end of the series Yondemasu me, Azazel-san or a new project Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan. However, Mizushima made it clear that both assumptions were wrong, although he appreciated the interest in his work.

Mizushima is perhaps best known for staging several franchise productions. Girls and tanksas well as the series Shirobako and his film. Most recently, the director was responsible for directing Anime 2019. Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutaiand from the Shirobako film released in Japan on February 29.

Mizushima is currently working on the third of six films in the film project. Girls and tanks the finaleas well as in the compilation film Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Kanzenba, which is scheduled for release in cinemas in Japan on September 11.

Synopsis of girls and tanks

The story takes place in a world where World War II tanks are thought to be a series of war practices and competitions. Miho Nishizumi, a girl from a respected family, traumatized by a past event, is transferred to the Ooarai Girls Academy to "supposedly" distance herself from the "Sensha-Dou" sport, which the school is rumored to have done has stopped practicing it.

Shortly after Miho started his new life in school and made new friends, the student committee decides to reopen Sensha Dou practices and forces Miho, the only student with practical experience. To join.

Source: ANN

© GIRL and PANZER Finale project
(c) IR SHIROBAKO 」c c (c) 2020 劇場版 IR SHIROBAKO」 製作 委員会


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Sweety Otaku

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