On the official manga page of Akira Toriyama and illustrated by Toyotarou, Dragon Ball greatThe cover of the thirteenth volume, which will be released in Japan on August 4, has been revealed.

Toriyama and Toyotarou started publishing the manga through the magazine V jumping from the publisher Shueisha in June 2015. The publisher published the twelfth volume on April 12th.

The work inspired an anime adaptation produced by the studios with 131 episodes. Toei animation, Led by Kimitoshi Chioka and scripts from Akira Toriyama, released in July 2015.

Synopsis of Dragon Ball Super

Seven years have passed since the events of Dragon Ball Z, the earth is at peace and people live free without danger lurking in the universe. However, this peace is temporary because an evil being comes from the depths of the darkness of the galaxy: Beerus, the god of destruction.

Troubled by a prophecy suggesting that he would be defeated by a "Super Saiyan god", Beerus and his angelic assistant Whis will begin to explore the universe in search of this mysterious way of life. They will soon arrive on Earth, where they will find Goku, one of the strongest warriors on this planet.

Source: WSJ_Manga

© 著 よ た ろ 著 (著), 鳥 山 原著 (原著) / SHUEISHA 集 英 社


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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