Written and illustrated by the official anime adaptation website Yuki Kanamaru, Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman (More than a married couple, but not lovers) it was announced that this project will be a series, the premiere of which is scheduled for next October on Japanese TV channels. The production of the series will be responsible for the studies studio momwhose most recent work was co-producing the second season of the anime Arifureta Shokugyou by Sekai Saikyou.
A new promotional image for the project has also been released, featuring characters Akari Watanabe, Shiori Sakurazaka, Jiro Yakuin and Minami Tenjin.
The opening theme is titled "True Fool's Love" and will be responsible for the voice actress and singer liyu. On the other hand, the ending theme is called “clinging to you" and is performed by the Japanese singer Nowlu.
voice output
- Saori Onishi as Akari Watanabe.
- Seichiro Yamashita as Jirou Yakuin.
- Saki Miyashita as Shiori Sakurazaka.
- Toshiki Masuda as Minami Tenjin.
production team
- Junichi Yamamoto (Otona no Bouguya-san) will lead the project in the studios studio mom.
- The scripts are supervised by Naruhisa Arakawa (Yaku Nara Mug Cup mo, Yosuga no Sora).
- the illustrator Chizuru Kobayashi (Pandora hearts) will be responsible for designing the characters.
Kanamaru started publishing the manga in the magazine Monthly young ace from the publisher Kadokawa in March 2018. The publisher released the sixth anthology in bookstores in Japan on May 2nd. This is the author's first work in serial form, so others cannot be cited for reference.
Summary for Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman
The manga centers on third-year high school student Jirou Yakuin, who is assigned to his gyaru classmate Akari Watanabe for the class's "Marriage Training" project, which involves practicing a married couple. Jirou is Akari's complete opposite, but the two know that if they get it right, they can switch partners to end their respective love interests, so they force each other to act like the perfect married couple.
Font: Weird Natalie
(c)2022 Yuki Kanamaru/青瞬学院