The platform Funimation confirmed by its official media that it will add the animated franchise based on the manga written and illustrated by Atsushi Ohkubo, Enen not a shouboutai ((Firepower) to its catalog in Mexico and Brazil. The platform will be introduced in the countries mentioned in autumn.
Ohkubo, in turn, publishes the manga in the magazine Weekly Shonen Magazine from the publisher Kodansha since September 2015. On May 15th, the publisher published the twenty-third compilation volume. The piece inspired a 24-episode anime adaptation produced by the studios. David production, released in July 2019. A second season has aired since July 3 and will have a total of 24 episodes.
Synopsis of Firepower
Terror paralyzed Tokyo's residents after a phenomenon known as "spontaneous combustion" turned its residents into a kind of flaming demon known as hellish. Even so, some people are able to deal with flames and maintain their human form, which gives them special abilities that divide them into first, second and third generation pyrokinetics.
In this chaos, our protagonist Shinra Kusakabe, a third generation pyrokinetic, joins the eighth company of the Fire Force Special Unit, who are trying to discover the truth behind the phenomenon of human combustion.
Source: Official Twitter account
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