The debut of drive home. The film, produced as part of the multi-year collaboration between Netflix and Studio Colorido, tells the story of Kosuke, Natsume and their group of friends as they explore a complex of "haunted apartments" to solve an inexplicable mystery.

The protagonists Kosuke and Natsume years before they lived in these apartments and the visit brings back memories of the past in them. Memories that might help them understand how it was possible that they, their friends and the building were suddenly transported into the sea.

The release date for Drifting Home has been announced in the latest trailer and it is striking 09/16/2022 barring unforeseen circumstances. The film receives a lot of attention, also given the popularity of the first joint work by Netflix and Studio Colorido or Miyo - Un Amore Felino.

Little by little, new details about Drifting Home are emerging, and this time it was my turn total duration of the film. How can we read in @ tweetSugoiLITEDrifting Home will last overall 2 hourswhich certainly includes the credits, which usually last about 7-8 minutes.

We remind you that Drifting Home will debut on September 16th simultaneously around the world on Netflix. Are you curious about Studio Colorido's new work?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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