In the current course of the story, Goku has become a man, but we must never forget the beginning of the work when the protagonist was none other than a stronger than normal child who traveled with Bulma in search of the dragon balls. But by the way, did you notice this quote from the original series in? Dragon Ball Super?
It may sound strange to you, but it has been more than three years since Ultra Instinct first appeared when Goku absorbed the spherical energy at Continuation of the clash with Jiren. To this day, divine technology has become the protagonist’s new trump card, the same one that Goku is still learning to learn in all its different colors. However, not many have noticed that the Scene honored an old episode of the Dragon Ball anime, especially episode # 119 when the protagonist reached Tenshinhan against the great little wizard.
As you can see from the comparison clip at the end of the news, the recordings are exactly the same and have the same strict look. In fact, we see the camera follow the Saiyan’s body from bottom to top until the face is turned towards the opponent. Is it just a coincidence or a tribute to the historic episode of Dragon Ball?
As usual, let us know what you think by leaving a comment in the appropriate box below, but not before checking out this Goku Ultra Instinct cosplay.
– Paulo 天 (@GarciaRegaladou) April 4, 2020