Dragon Ball Super: Superhero has brought the franchise created by master Akira Toriyama back into the limelight. While the Dragon Ball Super manga has reached Chapter 85 available on MangaPlus, the TOEI Animation-produced film is the direct sequel to Dragon Ball Super: Broly, which is currently not canon in the series.
Despite this, it is likely that the two feature films will tie into the main storyline of Dragon Ball Super in the future, so the new forms of Gohan and Piccolo. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has staged them for the first time, featuring all-new designs for the franchise.
Gohan beastbut initially it should have been very different: word of Akira Toriyama. The author revealed his inspiration for the new Saiyan form in a recent interview: "Gohan has had several transformations in the past, but this time he needed an absolute novelty. The boy had to have his own unique development based on the form he achieved as a boy. I named the new form Gohan Beast, meaning the beast imprisoned within him has finally been released."
The teacher then went on and spoke of the Original design by Gohan Beast: "As for the design, I tried to draw Gohan with a scary face and very pale skin, but he didn't seem a good match for the boy. So I used the classic updo, which surprisingly was very successful: everyone shouted "that's really cool!", which made me very grateful."
Akira Toriyama then concludes the interview with a joke: "To be honest I don't know what design I will use if I have to give one up new form to Gohan in the future.“In the same interview, Master Toriyama spoke about the concept of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero's new enemy and revealed several curiosities about the return of one of fan-favorite villains.
Heck, I made a bigger mistake with this paragraph: instead of adding flipped hair to the creepy face + paler skin design, Toriyama says he ended up just going with flipped hair. Gohan looks pretty pale and scary in the screenshot, which put me off. We're sorry! pic.twitter.com/iw842uSCPe
- Todd Blankenship (@Herms98) June 29, 2022