Months after the film was first announced Dragon Ball Super: Superhero Toei Animation has released numerous details about the plot of the film and the characters involved, which have piqued the curiosity of many by bringing Gohan back to a central role, specifying that among the returnees there will be the legendary Super Saiyan Broly .
After having a movie all its own, Dragon Ball Super: Broly, released in 2018 and which has cemented its canon entry in the series, the Saiyan will also return in the new movie, moved from June 11, 2022 due to the severe hacking attack Toei suffered. This return has made the community think about the role that Broly could play and imagine his hypothetical new transformation.
Many are hoping for a Super Saiyan God version of the character, but as user @DBSChronicles pointed out in the post at the bottom of the page, there is no information that for Harness the maximum power of the Super Saiyan and to be able to control it, it is necessary to have God Ki. It therefore seems unlikely that Broly will return in a divine form or similar to that of Goku and Vegeta, although it is desirable an improvement in transformation seen in 2018. What do you expect or hope to see in the film? Do you think Broly has reached a new level? Tell us in the comments.
Finally, remember that new information points to the return of Cell in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
Broly is working on controlling this "Super Saiyan Full Power" form after DBS: Broly.
But it says NOWHERE that he will do it by getting God Ki.
He doesn't need God Ki to get a grip on the form. He needs TRAINING. SUPERγ―γγγ―γ«ξ¨ (@DBSChronicles) May 3, 2022