Dragon Ball Super: Superhero, after having to wait longer than originally planned, it debuted in Japanese cinemas. TOEI Animation and Akira Toriyama can already be pleased with the results at the box office as Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero grossed more than Dragon Ball Super: Broly in its early days.

From the first spoilers of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero we could see the images of the new transformations of the characters revealed in the last part of the movie. Gohan, Piccolo and a big enemy sparked a great fight which then gave way to the credits.

End? Not yet, because as announced last weekend by Akio Iyoku, Executive Producer of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, the Movie has a post-credits scene, which certainly made the fans happy. In the scene we see two characters from the franchise that didn't have much space in Super Hero: Goku and Vegeta.

Finding themselves on a planet far from Earth, the two Saiyans decide to fight in their basic forms, without transformations, under the eyes of Broly. To defeat Vegeta who manages to surprise Goku with a very clever move. Gohan's father, surprised, is thus defeated.

A scene that will certainly be appreciated Vegeta fans, often used to Kakarot overpowering the Saiyan Prince. It seems to be a post-credits end in itself, but who knows if in the future it will be decided to start new Z Warriors adventures from this fight.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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