It has been more than a month since the Japanese theatrical debut of Dragon Ball Super: Superhero, the latest film in the Akira Toriyama franchise. While it's not yet set to make an international debut, news of the film has already leaked around the internet, including the new forms of Gohan and Piccolo, who can also be seen on a Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero poster.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was a disappointment at the Japanese box office, grossing less than its three predecessors. A real curiosity given the hype that has grown around the feature film. The new animations from TOEI animationSubject of heavy fan criticism since the first trailers.

However, the new forms of Gohan and Piccolo seem to have some success with fans and are already the protagonists of many illustrations on social networks. The artist FELLIPART has also published his own on his Twitter profile fan art a hypothetical fusion between the new form of Gohan and that of Piccolo by the Potaras and received many positive reactions.

In his illustration, which you can see at the end of this news, the new warrior shows the physique and face of Gohan beastwhile the forearms and abdominal area are those of Little orange. The warrior's combat uniform is the classic one of the Namekian fighters.

In his tweet FELLIPART asked his followers what name they would give to this bizarre merger. Piccohan? fall? Names too funny to be true. And you? what name would you give to the creation of FELLIPART?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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