Dragon Ball Super: superhero is the name of the new film associated with Akira Toriyama's masterpiece that will hit big screens around the world during 2022. We have little information about this at this time, but some users have already tried to suspect a conspicuous battle.
TOEI animation is not yet out of whack in this regard and the scant information in our possession is understandable thanks to the trailer for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero published a few weeks ago. We don't know whether the real protagonist of the film will be Gohan or not, but fans on the net indulge themselves thanks to dedicated illustrations.
One of them is especially signed by the author mattia_marin who have tried to hypothesize who the two great protagonists of the main battle will be, all with the help of the style of Naohiro Shintani. The graph in question, attached at the end of the message, therefore portrays Range 3 against Gogeta in a transformation halfway between Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego. Quite an original idea and that opens up interesting food for thought about the new powers of iconic fusion if one can manage to use both the divine techniques of Goku and Vegeta.
Instead, what do you think of this fan art? Let us know with a comment below.
Gogeta versus gamma
Composition according to: @ELordyEl #dbs #Hero #Fan Art pic.twitter.com/kkBuxehdYF- mattia_marin (commission open) (@ mattia_marin00) October 19, 2021