Dragon Ball Super is one of the jewels of TOEI Animation, a series that has guaranteed the studio outstanding revenues for years. However, with the anime ending in the now-distant year 2018, the famous company has seen an increasingly significant drop in profits from the brand.

In a special message, we explained the reasons why we are convinced that 2021 could be the year of Dragon Ball Super 2, the long-awaited sequel to the anime that has not yet been officially announced between rumors and leaks. From February, TOEI will be the Replicas from DB Super That could accompany the franchise until the conclusion of Digimon Adventure 2020 this summer, a time when the much-speculated sequel could actually debut.

As proof of the need for TOEI animation Driving the return of the television series is the downtrend that has hit the Dragon Ball brand in terms of revenue for several months. Financial data for the final quarter (October, November and December) underscores a significant decline that has lasted over a year. In the same period last year, Toriyama's masterpiece between licenses and rights had guaranteed the studio around 118 million euros (14.8 billion yen) in the last quarter Collections stopped at 107 million euros (13 billion yen).

The anime's return in support of the manga would certainly - and in no small measure - help solidify the profits for TOEI, which has no intentions of giving up its goose that lays golden eggs. Instead, what do you think of these financial reports? Let us know what you think about this with a comment below.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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