From the most powerful warrior on planet earth Dragon Ball Super Gohan chose a completely opposite route to training and fighting. Even so, the eldest son of Goku and Chi-Chi is still considered the most powerful half-blood Saiyan.
But let’s first specify what is meant by the term “Saiyan Half-Blood”. Gohan, like Gotenks and Trunks, is the fruit ofUnion of two different races, that Saiyan warrior and the human. Because of this, the sons of Goku and Vegeta cannot be defined as pure Saiyajins, but as hybrids.
Although he chose a completely different path than his father, Gohan is still considered one of the strongest fighters in the universe 7, even superior to Trunks, who was instead raised to be an extraordinary warrior by Vegeta. Let’s find out why.
The main timeline Trunks, as a child, was trained by his father since childhood. As a result, Trunks was able to transform into Super Saiyan At a much younger age than Gohan, a stage that Goku’s son reached as a result of training in spirit and time during the Cell Saga. However, Trunks is still a kid and Gohan has skills and experience on an entirely different level.
Instead, consider it Future tribesWhen he was more than a teenager, he turned into a Super Saiyan fueled by grief over the loss of his master, Mirai Gohan. When he got to the main timeline, during the fight with Cell, he surprised everyone with the Super Saiyan third grade, an evolution of the Super Saiyan 2 that turned out to be completely inefficient due to its enormous physical mass.
Later, during the Dragon Ball Super Black saga, Future Trunks cross the line of Super Saiyan 2 again by transforming into the Super Saiyan rage mode. That, along with the fact that Gohan dropped out of training in favor of the study, could lead to the assumption that Trunks of the Future is now the most powerful half-blood Saiyan.
However, Gohan is still significantly stronger and the main reason lies in the power-ups received on Planet Namek and on the planet of the Kaioshins where his own were awakened. latent forces. If it was initially assumed that Mystic Gohan had a potential equivalent to Super Saiyan 3, then in Dragon Ball Super we find that this form is completely independent of the Super Saiyan’s progress and has levels of power that are still completely unexplored. What if it was a shape similar to Ultra Instinct?
Meanwhile, Akira Toriyama said the Super Saiyan god from Dragon Ball Super was overdone. Confirmation is coming from TOEI Animation, Dragon Ball Super will be in Anime Japan 2021.