The next arc of the manga Dragon Ball Super, the saga of the survivor Granolla, will show the consequences of the long battle with Molo. But what will the next chapters of work hold in store for us? Some images leaked on the internet offer us a preview.

While we wait for the Jump Festa and wait for the Shueisha-sponsored annual convention, the first details on the next narrative arc of the Toyotaro and Toriyama manga have leaked online. Apparently, Chapter 67 of Dragon Ball Super will be the glue between the end of the grueling battle with Molo and the next saga.

In addition, the Twitter user @DragonBallHype shared a first trailer of the Granola Survivor saga on his profile. The short video shows what fans should expect from the next few chapters. Molo’s artificial henchman, Android 73, is still alive despite what was previously believed, and it appears that someone is looking for him. Which mysterious antagonist will be able to compete with the Ultra Perfect Instinct? The spoilers from Chapter 67 of Dragon Ball Super are surprising, this is Granolla.

This new character appears to be a space pirate whose sole goal is to find and destroy all 73 androids. But will he be Goku’s next antagonist? According to some belief, the next Dragon Ball Super saga will only be a summary.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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