On the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of Fujimo Ohmori and illustrated by Suzuhito Yasuda, Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka ((DanMachi) the production of an OVA entitled “Orario ni Onsen wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka – O Furo no Kamisama Forever” was announced. The launch is scheduled for April 28, 2021 in Japan.

This third season premiered in Japan on October 2nd and had a total of twelve episodes. For their part, Ohmori and Yasuda began releasing DanMachi’s light novels under the label in January 2013 GA Bunko from the publisher SB Creative. The publisher published the 16th volume on October 15th.

Production team

  • Hideki Tachibana was responsible for directing the anime in the studios JC staff.
  • Hideki Shirane was responsible for the composition of the series.
  • Shigeki Kimoto was responsible for the character design.
  • Jin Aketagawa meanwhile was responsible for the direction of the sound Keiji Inai he composed the soundtrack.

Synopsis of DanMachi

Life in the city of Orario is never boring, especially for Bell Cranel, a naive young man who hopes to become the greatest adventurer in the world. After a chance encounter with the goddess Hestia, his dreams come a little closer to reality. With your support, Bell will begin a fantastic quest in the city’s monster-filled catacombs known as the “Dungeon”. Death lurks at every corner of the cavernous depths of this terrible labyrinth.

Even on the surface, survival is a hard-earned privilege. Indeed, in a world where gods and humans live and work together, nothing is safe, especially when they often have difficulty getting along. One thing is certain, however: a multitude of mistakes, triumphs and friendships await the fearlessly optimistic protagonist of this Hercules story.

Source: Official Twitter account

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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