At the time of Dragon Ball Z Akira Toriyama had portrayed the Super Saiyan as a mystical force, an urban legend that has never been confirmed. But after Goku’s first transformation, everyone seemed able to get to this stage with a minimum of training. Here are the requirements of the Super Saiyan.

It seems almost unrealistic to imagine that what was considered a legendary power at the time has now become an obsolete power. The Super Saiyan is now on the verge of the narrative, a transformation that more than anything serves to further bolster the narrative Super Saiyan God, a power-up that has now flowed into the realm of the divine. However, on the occasion of the release of Saikyo Jump in 2018, Toriyama made it clear how Saiyajins can so easily evolve on earth:

“”It’s not that everyone can turn into a Super Saiyan by getting angry or exercising. To achieve this form A body must have something called “S cells”.. Once the S cells reach a certain level, an impulse like anger is enough to make the S cells explode, and the result is a change in the body. The reason why Goku and Vegeta’s children are so easy to transform into Super Saiyan is probably because they inherited a certain amount of S cells, but most importantly because the terrestrial environment is friendlier and easier to live than that of the planet Vegeta.“”

Then the sensei adds again:

“”A kind spirit is the best way to make S-cells stronger, but most Saiyans are not, and this is why a Super Saiyan may not have appeared that long before it became a legend. However, a gentle mind is not enough to have the minimal amount of S cells to transform, it also requires a series of struggles. This way, if you think about it, you can easily imagine how Goku managed to transform into Super Saiyan.“”

As for you, what do you think of his clarification instead? Let us know with a comment below.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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