The month of the release halt has slowed the start of the new Dragon Ball Super saga. The appointment has been pushed back by a month compared to usual, so all discussions are now focused on what happened in the Finale of the saga of the survivors of Cereleanwith some attention to a specific character.
Among the ten strongest characters in Dragon Ball Super Freeza ended up there too. The Galactic Emperor stayed to train in a special Chamber of Mind and Time, reaching new heights of power unrelated to those of Goku, Vegeta, Granolah, and Gas, all of whom were eliminated or knocked out in a matter of seconds. Black Freeza was unsettling in the final chapter of the manga, and for more reasons than one.
In our video we analyze Black Freeza's state and whether his arrival determines you certain lack of ideas for Dragon Ball Super. The figure undergoes another colorful transformation and also symbolizes the return of an enemy used and used throughout sagas past. We will undoubtedly have to wait for the situation to develop with the next saga, but in the meantime don't miss our Edoardo Ferrarese's analysis available in the video above.