During the Weekly Dragon Ball News, a video series published weekly on the opera's official site, Toyotaro published an interview in which he spoke, among other things, about the next chapter of Dragon Ball Superappears Friday, August 19th on MANGA Plus and in the next issue of Shueisha's V Jimp Magazine.
The author confirms that the Granolah Saga the Survivor reaches its climax. This means that very little is missing from the end of this story. Still, there seem to be more surprises in store for readers.
During the interview in which the author explained Goku's transformation from Dragon Ball Super, Toyotaro said that some exciting things happened in the chapter released in July and that the August chapter will not be surpassed. Dragon Ball Super 87 will have shocking developments, making this chapter even more compelling than the previous one. But what could be so shocking?
Early Dragon Ball Super 87 theories suggest that the Battle isn't really over yet. Gas appears to have been defeated by Granolah, who chose not to kill his opponents. This move may prove risky.
Gas will likely rise to return to the attack even angrier and more powerful than ever. Another hypothesis is that the Desired by Elec is not what we all believed. Finally, another way is to see the return of Freeza, which the beginning of the narrative arc is based on.
Toyotaro teases that we'll see more "shocking developments" in the upcoming August chapter, Chapter 87.
- SUPERクロニクル (@DBSChronicles) August 8, 2022
The “climax within the climax” is also coming soon.
Ch87 will be released on August 19th and drafted on August 13th.#DragonBallGreat pic.twitter.com/L7y60YzJJw
Toyotaro recently teased that Chapter 87 will have some "shocking developments" in store for us.
What are your predictions? 👀#DragonBallGreat pic.twitter.com/DDSBw3gLe9- SUPERクロニクル (@DBSChronicles) August 11, 2022