More than 35 years have passed since the release of Dragon Ball, but there are still many fans engaged in discussions focused on the protagonists of the work of Akira Toriyama. One of these also wanted to intervene Sean Schemmel, Goku’s historic American voice.

We refer to the message shared by the Twitter user @YaPrinceVegeta, which you can read at the bottom of the news, in which he remembered when as a child he searched the Internet for various theories related to the future of Saiyans and in particular about the next surprises in the manga fights. One of the most famous theories was that of the existence of the form of Level 100 Super Saiyan, at this point Sean Schemmel also wanted to intervene in the discussion, stating: “I’m trying to understand what I could do with the voice for the level 100 Saiyan form … I think my vocal cords are already starting to bleed beforehand“.

The voice actor obviously joked by pointing out a characteristic of the characters of Dragon Ball: the numerous screams during their transformations in the fighting, which over the years have become a feature of the anime episodes. Finally, if you are looking for merchandise dedicated to the work of Akira Toriyama, we recommend this Dragon Ball figurine dedicated to Goku and available at a price of ā‚¬ 501.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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