The Marvel Cinematic Universe returns to theaters with a new Phase 4 film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, one of the most anticipated films that seems to be connected to many past and future events. There is also an uproar in Japan as Disney plans a campaign with the author of Fairy Tail.
That Mangaka Hiro Mashima was commissioned to dr. to draw Strange to celebrate the film's release in Japan. However, other top-class designers from the land of the rising sun were called to his side. Thus was born an image depicting three Dr. Strange contains.
Alongside Fairy Tail's Hiro Mashima and EDENS ZERO, they thought about designing it Chuya KoyamaAuthor of Uchu Kyodai: Brothers in Space, e.g boichi, designer of Dr. Stone and Sun Ken Rock. The illustration with the three Dr. Strange is available below and you can immediately see the extremely different style of the three mangaka. If Mashima and Koyama have opted for a quieter Stephen Strange, Boichi has opted to reproduce the wizard much more involved in the storyline.
Don't miss our review of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the next big Marvel movie.