After the nice transition between Digimon Adventure and Hatsune Miku, we cover the latest news in the series, especially a new song that will be heard from the next episodes of the show.

To announce it, it’s the Twitter account @ Somoskudasai, with a message to be found at the end of the messages. The insider’s profile commented: “It has been announced that there will be a new ending theme in the Digimon Adventure anime starting with the fourteenth episode, which airs in Japan on September 6th. Will the song be called Q? and is played by the Japanese singer Reol“.

The fans immediately greeted the news with enthusiasm and were excited to see what the new piece will be played by either of the two most famous singer of the moment. We’re sure his numerous fans won’t be disappointed, so we’ll just have to wait until tomorrow, September 6th, to hear the unreleased song for the first time. If you’re looking for other rumors about the next episode, we point out the new trailer for Digimon Adventure, one in Italy in the Crunchyroll CatalogIf instead you are looking for merchandise dedicated to the show, here is the action figure Omegamon, one of the most iconic characters who appeared in the episodes of the saga produced by Toei Animation.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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