The official website devoted to the Detective Conan franchise has confirmed that pending the release of the movie Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet, there will be a new recap, or rather a "compilation" called Detective Conan: The Scarlet Alibi.
This new feature is designed to prepare fans for the vision of The Scarlet Bullet and will be in theaters for three weeks from February 11 to March 4, 2021. The film will contain scenes that will be shown in the TV series and that are considered important to the viewing of the 24th film in the franchise, mainly dedicated to members of the Akai family. After the credits, an unreleased scene titled "A Message from Shuichi Akai" and a new trailer for Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet will be shown.
As for the twenty-fourth feature film, Japan's release remains confirmed for April 2021, two months after The Scarlet Alibi and a year after the initial announcement. The film was supposed to debut on April 17, 2020, but Toho had to postpone the release due to the health emergency. It doesn't do any harm anyway As a fan, you can watch an important new compilation of unreleased scenes.
What do you think about it? Are you following Detective Conan? Let us know with a comment! To find out more about the new film, check out the latest Detective Conan trailer: The Scarlet Bullet.
緋色 の 不在 証明。
- The scarlet alibi -
◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢# 緋色 の 不在 証明 # 緋色 の 弾 丸 @ 探 偵 コ) @ (@conan_reload) January 20, 2021