The wait is over: the first episode of the anime by chainsaw man is already available on Crunchyroll. The animated adaptation of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s manga is a production by Studio MAPPA, which decided to invade Shibuya with the trailer of Chainsaw Man just to make everyone understand the importance of the product.
The first episode also showed everyone the glorious Opening of Chainsaw Man, which you can see in the tweet at the bottom of this message. inside, MAP study showed all his animation skills and gave the characters very fluid and very convincing movements.
In the first part of Chainsaw Man we see how the protagonists engage in everyday activities, such as going to the cinema or playing bowling. There is no lack of embarrassing moments, as with the protagonist Denji is performed by Makima on a leash. There’s room for more action in the second part of the opening, and that’s how we see itman chainsaw fight and wriggle.
The song is the background for the theme song “KICK BACK” by Kenshi Yonezuwhich perfectly conveys the idea of how crazy and unique the work of is Tatsuki Fujimoto. Chainsaw Man returns to Crunchyroll with a new episode every Tuesday until the conclusion of Season 1.
We leave you the news of the launch of Chainsaw Man from its director Nakayama.
– チェンソーマン【公式】 (@CHAINSAWMAN_PR) October 11, 2022
編曲 # 米津玄師 #常田大希 (#KingGnu / #millennium parade)
▽「KICK BACK」楽曲配信リンク米津玄師 #chainsawman