The brief adventures of Noel Niihashi and Ninny Spangcole in Burn the Witch continue. The Tite Kubo miniseries came to life with Chapter 2. After depicting the two protagonists and the power of Balgo, as well as the world of Reverse London and the differences between dragons, the threat to the poor boy becomes concrete.
After a color page where Noel and Ninny spend an afternoon quietly reading, we return to the most vibrant and aggressive atmospheres in history. Burn the witch 3 begins with Sullivan Squire, one of the Wing Bind Top Horns, and former conductor Billy Banks.
We then return to the battle in central London, where, after a little confrontation, Bruno Bangnyfe calls his parents and warns that it is possible to catch Balgo at this moment in the crowd that is waiting for the two witches. But Bruno is annoyed by the words of Noel, who thanks to his wand runs to save Balgo. At the same time, Ninny steps up behind Bruno that reacts violently and disarms the enemy.
But Noel returns in time to hit the opponent with a one-two punch. However, the battle ends with this exchange of blows when Ninny takes advantage of him to take Macy away, but leaves the dragon Ellie in the building and Noel, who runs away with Balgo. Behind them, Bruno gets mad at the situation and summons a dark dragon.
After hearing the story of Ellie and Macy, the group is accompanied by Bruno, who rides his dark dragon and announces that Balgo must be captured. Chapter 4 will be the last and will be 55 pages out next week. This should complete the first volume of Burn the Witch.