It's been a few weeks Animated series by Boruto Distancing himself from the paper counterpart, he brought to life some unreleased narrative arcs aimed at deepening the characters of the new generation. The anime seems to continue on its own way for the foreseeable future. What can we expect from opera in 2022?
At the end of the fight with Isshiki Otsutsuki, the series stopped adapting the manga to bring it to life some original sagas. In this wave of episodes never seen in Kishimoto's manga, Sarada completed Chunin and Kawaki began her very personal journey into the ninja world. But what will happen in the next few weeks?
Apparently the anime won't be returning to adapt the manga any time soon. According to Honda Masaya, the author of most Boruto episodes, Team 7 will dominate the scene in the coming weeks. A new component was welcomed by Team 7 in Boruto Episode 233, and in the next few installments, the revamped formation will have to complete some difficult missions.
The screenwriter's intentions are those of increase public attractiveness to Kawaki. So, before Boruto and his companions return to watch the main events, they have to deal with various disagreements and meet and clash with numerous characters such as: B. the new generation puppets from Boruto 232.
Thank you for watching BORUTO Episode 233. We want to gradually expand the appeal of Kawaki who joined Team 7. During this war, Boruto and his friends will experience many encounters and partings. Please enjoy your journey to the end!#BORUTO
- ζ¬η°ι δΉ: Honda Masaya (@hon_da) January 23, 2022