The anime Boruto: Naruto the next generations has reached a point of no return given the severe defeat of Team 7 by Deepa and most importantly the grave conditions Mitsuki finds himself in after the fight. As a further development of the narrative arc dedicated to the Kara organization, Boruto and Sarada have started hard training.

While, thanks to the help of Kakashi, Boruto seems to have managed to create its own peculiar Rasengan, which is characterized by the green color, Sarada uses all of her strength to master the Sharinganaccording to the teachings of his father. The two ninja actually promised to get stronger in the face of a future meeting with the members of the Kara.

Seeing Sasuke alongside Sarada is a more unique than rare opportunity, and it seems that this workout has finally made it Bring the two Uchiha closer. It is Sarada herself who asks Sasuke to raise the iron balls to avoid them thanks to the use of the Sharingan. When they hit her, she stands up, ready to improve and show her determination.

During the episode we also see Sakura deeply concerned about her daughter's physical condition Recently released from the hospital, she attends the training session by hiding behind a tree. The touching scene that brings the whole family together can be found in the video at the bottom of the page that @ Abdul_S17 shared on Twitter.

Keep in mind that the new ending to the Boruto anime has debuted, and we'll leave you the previews for the next few episodes.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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