The animated adaptation of Boruto: Naruto the next generations Continues to amaze viewers with an original story arc that takes them back to Kirigakure. Although the Mizukage title is in the hands of Chojuro, the Bloody Mist nickname is struggling to disappear.

At least for the next few weeks, Studio Pierrot will continue Stay away from the manga version. In fact, the future of Boruto's anime series lies in the original, which aims to deepen the character of the characters, the events, and introduce new protagonists and old acquaintances.

The current unedited saga sees Team 7, to which Kawaki was aggregated, Departure to the Village of Mist. However, as the escort of Katasuke's scientists, invited to a convention whose theme is the technological advancement of the village, the four boys face a real invasion.

Amid the ceremonies, an airship carrying several important figures is detonated. It is an attack on the fog in Boruto 233. At the same time, the young protagonist, who had turned away from his training buddies to visit his old friend Kagura, faces another threat. The detention center run by the "future Mizukage" is coming attacked by a known pirate clan of the village of the mist.

Though they haven't been a couple since the school trip Kagura and Boruto will prove to be a tight-knit duo. Will they be able to prevent the extremely dangerous criminal Funato Araumi from escaping?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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