Naruto has repeatedly faced the death of a companion, but for his son Boruto this is the first. During the anime’s original saga, the protagonist is shocked by the departure of a close friend. Will he be able to get up from this excruciating pain?

The clash between Funamushi and Kagura of Boruto 245 ended in the latter’s defeat. The current owner of the legendary sword was Rombosogliola pierced at the back and fell to the ground before the eyes of other swordsmen of the Mist and those of the Leaf.

Blinded by anger, Boruto activates karma in episode 246 and drives Funamushi away with a powerful rasengan. L’The pirate army Funato retreats, but it’s too late for Kagura. Hebiichigo, Sarada and Iwabei try everything they can to keep him alive, but their care is not enough. Kagura is also aware of this and addresses her last words to her friends.

The ex-Mizukage’s nephew thanks Buntan for his trust and Kyoho entrusts the lives of his companions. However, in Hebiichigo he leaves a letter addressed to Chojuro. With a final farewell to Boruto, to whom he entrusts the defense of the Village of Mist, Kagura goes out.

there The death of a friend is a huge blow to Boruto, who must now recover from this sad event and fight without letting go of the anger. Should he lose control, he would again fall victim to Momoshiki Ootsusuki’s possession.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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