It is now clear that the anime is Boruto: Naruto the next generations will not return to adjust the events of the manga before the new year. Following the original saga of Kawaki and Himawari at Ninja Academy, the Studio Pierrot-produced series will indeed enter an unprecedented narrative arc that will lead to Sasuke’s return to the stage.

The final installment of the Boruto anime, which adapts the chapters of the manga series of the same name by Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto, is 220, dated October 17, 2021. That’s how it was for now Over a year since Studio Pierrot’s adaptation, the author-written plot has drifted away and it seems that the situation will not change, at least for a few months.

Boruto episode 274 actually starts a new unpublished saga with this time Sasuke as a great protagonist. The Uchiha has been out of the limelight for many episodes and finally his fans can see him in action. But what feat will he achieve this time?

In the trailer for the next episode of the anime, we see Sasuke illustrating her new mission to his apprentice Boruto. The shadow of the Hokage is at Search for a legendary falcon able to fly unusual distances. Together with Boruto he will go in search of the legendary bird. However, some new and shady faces seem determined to stand in the way of this mission. The episode will be out on Crunchyroll on November 6th, but before we embark on this new journey, here’s a reflection on the latest original Boruto arc.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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