Boruto's Ninja Academy Arc sparks hilarity from the community, but the anime series' original saga turns to a darker plot. During theEpisode 266, a group of bandits is tasked with kidnapping a student at the academy. Is there a new villain behind this crime?

At the end of the school lesson of Boruto's episode 266, Osuka Kamakura decides not to return home alongside Neon Asakusa like he does every day. The girl, the daughter of a star, is clearly concerned and Himawari decides to stay by her side. On the way back the two young girls from Konoha They are attacked and kidnapped by two bandits.

The evil spirit behind the kidnapping is a former genin, expert in the art of fire, who kidnapped Osuka to ask for one ransom for his rich family. Himawari, being there by mistake, immediately becomes the kidnapper's desire due to his relationship with the Hokage.

As the daughter of Naruto Uzumaki, Himawari is no ordinary girl, and initially distracted by the kidnappers, she manages to free herself from the rope that was holding her captive and confront her kidnappers. Inviting Osuka to flee, Himawari fights the former genin face to face, displaying the magnificent taijutsu of Clan Hyuga. In fact, by activating the Byakuganeven manages to inflict a heavy blow on the enemy.

However, the antagonist's greatness eventually prevailed and Himawari is captured once again. Finally, Reinforcements arrive at the crime scene and Kawaki silences the opponent with a single punch. However, behind this kidnapping there seems to be another villain who is watching the fight in the shadows.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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