A new promotional video for the sixth season of the anime adaptation of the manga has been released on the official YouTube channel of the production company Toho Animation. Kohei Horikoshi, boku no hero academy (My hero academy). This new preview is a series of images from the Paranormal Liberation War story arc, featuring pro heroes like Endeavour, Shota Aizawa, Hawks and villains like Dabi, Toga and Shigaraki Tomura.
It should be remembered that this sequel will be released in Japan in October.
In addition, it was announced that the two new OVAs of the fifth season of the franchise will be released on August 1st worldwide via various streaming platforms. These OVAs were announced under the titles last May Hero League Baseball Y Laugh! Like being in hell and will be previewed in theaters in Japan between June 16 and 19 this year.
The fifth season premiered in Japan in March 2021 and had a total of twenty-five episodes while the platforms crispy roll Y entertainment took care of the distribution in the west. For his part, Horikoshi began publishing the manga boku no hero academy in the magazine Weekly shōnen jump from the publisher shueisha in July 2014. The literary franchise already has more than 50 million cumulative copies in circulation.
The video game for smartphones My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero can be found in the catalogue QooApp in this link.
Summary of Boku no Hero Academia
One day, a four-year-old suddenly realized: The world is not fair. Eighty percent of the world's population possess special abilities known as "quirks" that have given many the power to fulfill their childhood dream of becoming a superhero. Unfortunately, Izuku Midoriya was one of the few born without a quirk and was discriminated against for it. However, he refuses to give up his dream of becoming a hero; Determined to do the impossible, Izuku sets his sights on the elite hero training academy, UA Academy.
However, everything changes after a chance encounter with Izuku's number one hero and idol, All Might. When the boy with no powers discovers that his dream isn't a dead end, he undergoes special training and works harder than ever. Ultimately, this leads to him inheriting the power of All Might and, with his new skills, entering the school of his choice and beginning his grueling journey to become the successor to the world's greatest hero.
Font: Weird Natalie