In the land of the sun, Asta discovers a very different reality than that of his kingdom to which he belongs. In addition to the obvious cultural differences, Yami Sukehiro’s homeland does not use mana and grimoires, instead using substitutes called yojutsu and yoryoku. Also, there are the Zetten, similar to the mana skin used by the Clover Mages.

In addition to the powers mentioned, in the latest chapter of the work released on MangaPlus, Asta discovers the Power kept hidden by Shogun Ryuya Ryudo. Considered to be Clover’s Magical Emperor counterpart and Yami Sukehiro’s childhood friend, Ryuya has never given Asta a taste of his powers to this day. Eventually, however, the protagonist discovers what lies beneath the blindfold covering the Shogun’s right eye.

When Asta pauses to chat about Ichika in Black Clover 341, Yami’s sister emphasizes her immense respect for Ryudo and his great hidden power. The Shogun’s right eye hides a power called Tengentsu. With this eye dexterity he succeeds “see everything that is happening at a given moment”. So let’s find out how Ryuyu Ryudo knew about Lucius Zogratis’ attack.

Apparently, just like Asta has no mana, Ryuya has no magical powers (Yoryoku). However, thanks to the power of his right eye, in a way it is remembers the skill with which Loropechka watches over the kingdom of hearts, he managed to unite the land of the sun. Unfortunately, Black Clover went on hiatus due to family issues. It is therefore necessary to wait some time before releasing a new chapter.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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