The disappearance of Kentaro Miura has been resurrected berserk. The late Sensei's iconic work, continued by the pen of assistant Kouji Mori, will also return in an anime version. Here is a promotional video of Berserk: the Arc of the Golden Age.
In a few days, Chapter 369 of Berserk will be released by Kouji Mori e GAGA study, but there is also good news regarding the anticipated anime adaptation. Berserk: the Arc of the Golden Age – Memorial Edition will be the protagonist of Aniplex Online Fest 2022, but a taste of what we will see has already been offered.
By releasing a new Berserk: The Arc of the Golden Age – Memorial Edition teaser trailer the official release date has been announced. Gatsu will officially return on October 1, 2022.
This A new edition of the trilogy was published between 2012 and 2013 includes new music and animations. The video preview highlights the ending theme "Wish" by Mika Nakashima and the unreleased sequence "Bonfire of Dreams".
In addition to the promotional video, one was also released Poster with Gatsu, Casca, Griffith and the Skeleton Knight while Nosferatu Zodd ravages foot soldiers and cavalry behind them. Berserk: Arco dell'Epoca d'Oro - Memorial Edition is produced by animation studio STUDIO4°C and directed by Yuta Sano, based on the film editions by Toshiyuki Kubooka.
🔹 También fue revelada una new imagen promocional:
- Kudasai (@somoskudasai) September 7, 2022