Future State, the new series of events in the future, is ready to disrupt the DC Universe by welcoming a new generation of heroes, some of whom are completely unreleased. Among these will be that new batman: We are discovering his new identity.

Still a secret to this day, the variant cover of Future State: The Next Batman # 2 by Doug Braithwaite and Diego Rodriguez, presented by DC Comics, revealed this the next Batman will be Tim Fox, the son of Lucius Fox, one of Bruce Wayne’s most trusted allies.

At the end of Batman: The Joker War Zone saga Bruce Wayne loses ownership of his empire, now it is Lucius Fox who is in control of the empire Waynes luck and all of Waynetech technology. Because of this, Bruce is forced to go back to the days when he had to build his bat gadgets in complete autonomy to readjust his fight against crime.

First seen in 1979’s Batman # 313, it is currently unclear how Tim will debut in his new role. This character has long been absent, and it is only recently regained importance. Future State: The next Batman will hit comic book stores on January 5, 2021. In the meantime, let’s admire Damian Wayne’s new costume in Batman. We uncover the origins of Batman’s and Catwoman’s secret daughter.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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