After the best shojo anime was released to the Amazon Prime Video catalog, here is the release date of the second season of Arifureta: from everyday to the strongest in the world, of which a new trailer is available.
The animated series is inspired by the light novel by Ryo Shirakome and stages the adventures of Hajime Nagumo, a young high school boy who teleports himself into a fantasy world with his classmates. Unlike his friends, Hajime Nagumo cannot boast of very high stats or skills, but this situation will inevitably change after the protagonist falls into a deep abyss. In contrast to the first season, the animation studios will take care of the implementation of the work for the small screen read. with the mother studioWhile Akira Iwagana has been entrusted with directing, Shoichi Sato will write the script instead.
As I said, the next unreleased episodes will be released during the January 2022Although we don’t know for now how many episodes the second season will consist of, at the bottom of the news you can find a tweet shared by the official account, which also has a short trailer for Arifureta: From Commonplace to the Strongest in the World . It has finally been announced when the anime The Journey will be available.
2nd season 2022 年 1 月 放送 決定 🎉
– TV 2nd season (@ARIFURETA_info) April 17, 2021
監督 : 岩田 彰
: リ ー ズ 構成 : : : 佐藤 勝 一
: ャ ラ ク タ ー デ ザ イ ン ・ : : : : 小島 智 加
Read ニ メ ー シ ョ : : : asread. × Studio MOTHERhttps: // あ り ふ れ た #ARIFURETA