This September, Amazing Spider-Man will reach the milestone of number 850 with a flashback in the Marvel Universe. A certain Norman Osborne will reappear in the malicious incarnation of the Green Goblin, and for the occasion the Casa delle Idee has created a more beautiful variant cover than the other.

The artists involved in the realization are Mahmud Asrar, Nick Bradshaw, Olivier Coipel, Ryan Ottley, InHyuk Lee, Humberto Ramos and Bruce Timm. The latter is a recurring signature of the DC Universe, but this time he made his artistic flair available on the cover dedicated to Mary Jane.

The synopsis of The Amazing Spider-Man # 850 is as follows, and anticipates crackling developments for poor Peter Parker, who will find himself entangled in a situation of extreme difficulty:

“As if things were not going badly for Spider-Man, grappling with the reign of Sin-Eater’s terror, the Green Goblin is back! Spidey has lived many, but even his worst experiences were only a prelude to it that will happen here, in an epic story created by the Hall of Fame of the most famous signatures of the character.

In addition, this issue also boasts a prestigious collection of short stories by Tradd Moore, Kurt Busiek, Chris Bachalo and Saladin Ahmed! “

Consider these premises, what expectations do you have for the return of Green Goblin? Let us know below with a comment.

Amazing Spider-Man 2099: here is the launch trailer of the Marvel series. Amazing Spider-Man: Marvel confirms the return of a historic enemy.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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