A leak from Weibo assured that the manga was written and illustrated Koume Fujichika, Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta (The girl I like forgot her glasses), will have an anime adaptation. The leak didn't reveal any production details or a planned release date, so it's advisable to wait for an official confirmation soon.
Fujichika started publishing the manga through the monthly magazine Gangan Joker from the publisher Square Enix since November 2018. However, the author had already published the work via his official Twitter account since April of the same year. He has also written other works such as "Tonari no Oneesan ga Suki (I love the older girl next door.)"Y"Goshujinsama no Shikabane (corpse of the master)" to name a few.
Synopsis for Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta
As Ai Mie's desk partner, Kaede Komura always drew her attention. Attracted by her pretty charm, he just wants her to look at him with those beautiful eyes from under her glasses. But within days of meeting her, Kaede notices something else about Ai: her eyes are narrowed and her glasses are missing. Despite everything, he finds her adorable.
Unexpectedly, Ai tends to forget her glasses. His poor eyesight makes it difficult for him to get through the school day. Fortunately, Kaede is more than willing to help her. As Ai begins to trust him, Kaede's feelings for her grow even more. Likewise, despite her nearsightedness, Kaede gradually becomes the person Ai always hopes to see.
Spring: Weibo