He made his Crunchyroll debut, A Couple of Cuckoos, in April 2022. The animated adaptation of Miki Yoshikawa's rom-com returns this summer with the second part of the first season. Here's the release and trailer of the second cour of A Couple of Cuckoos.
Kadokawa has officially announced this through a first promotional video published on its YouTube channel Premiere of the second part of A Couple of Cuckoos. The romantic comedy, starring Erika Amano and Nagi Umino, premieres July 23. The anime's first cour was simulcast on Crunchyroll, the platform where the first twelve episodes of the series are available for streaming. Probably this second part will also be offered by Crunchyroll, but at the moment we don't know how many episodes it will consist of.
The announcement of the second Cours, in whose A Couple of Cuckoos trailer we can admire some romantic scenes between the two main characters, makes viewers discover that new graduation topic. The ending "Hello Hello Hello" is performed by Eir Aoi. The opening theme is the song "Glitter" by sumika.
As for the staff, that of the first court has been reconfirmed. In combined production at the Shinei Animation and Synergy SP Studios, A Couple of Cuckoos is directed by Hiroaki Akagi and Yoshiyuki Shirahata. And you, did you follow the first part of the series?