On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written by Mizuki Tsujimura and illustrated by Tome Taketomi, Kagami no Kojou (Lonely castle in the mirror) a new promotional video for the project was unveiled. The video features the main musical theme of the feature film entitled “carouselâ and performed by Juri.
Moreover, the press release confirmed this the premiere is scheduled for next December 23 in theaters in Japanand included a message from the singer:
- I am very happy to have been chosen to sing the theme song for the anime feature film Kagami no Kojou. The theme song “Merry-Go-Round” is a song about love for loved ones who have been separated from you and expresses the growth and thoughts of each of the seven children starring in the film. I hope that everyone who has seen the film feels the theme of merry-go-round in their own way and that this song will accompany them in their not lonely future.
Mizuki Tsujimura Y Tome Taketomi They started publishing the manga through the magazine ultra jump from the publisher shueisha in June 2019. The publisher published the fourth anthology in September 2021 in Japan. Kagami no Kojou It is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Mizuki Tsujimura from 2017.
voice output
- Sakura Kiryuu like Aki.
- Takumi Kitamura like Rio.
- Aoi Miyazaki like Kitajima sensei.
- Rihito Itagaki like Subaru.
- Naho Yokomizo like Fuka.
- Minami Takayama like Masamune.
- Yuki Kaji like Ureshino.
production team
- Keichi Hara (Colorful, Miss Hokusai, the wonderland) is responsible for directing the feature film at the studios A-1 Pictures.
- Miho Maru (School Rumble, Colorful (Movie), Nodame Cantabile: Finale) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
- Keigo Sasaki (Blue Exorcist, DELETED, The Seven Deadly Sins) is responsible for character design and animation direction.
- Harumi (Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu, Piano no Mori, Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.
Synopsis for Kagami no Kojou
Kokoro is a high school freshman. Or at least that’s how it’s supposed to be. A dark and very terrifying experience has left her with a severe case of social anxiety that has led her to drop out of school and withdraw from the world at home, where she spends her days grappling with the guilt having been disappointed by her parents’ eyes. .
One day the mirror in his room begins to shine. Pulled to the other side of the mirror by a girl wearing a wolf mask, Kokoro encounters a fairytale castle and six other children, all around her own age. The girl (who calls herself “Ookami-sama”) tells them that whoever finds the wish key hidden in the lock will have one wish granted. There are no rules, except one: If you stay after 5 p.m., the wolf will eat you.
Font: Weird Natalie