In My Hero Academia 6x19 begins the long-awaited Dark Hero Arc, a saga in which Izuku Midoriya allows himself to be overcome by the darkness generated by the war between heroes and villains. What happened to Deku?

After discussions with the remains of One For All in My Hero Academia 6x18, Midoriya made a drastic decision to walk away from everyone centralize the hatred of villains on themselves. After greeting the Yuei companions, Deku begins his life as a vigilante.

My Hero Academia 6x19 starts with Yo Shindo and Tatami Nakagame, two Ketsubutsu High School studentspatrolling a deserted area to convince a group of rebellious civilians to take refuge in their refuge academy. Every attempt is in vain, the population has lost confidence in the heroes.

Soon after they give up, Shindo and Nakagame are told that Muscular is close. In an attempt to evacuate the air, Shindo decides to confront the villain. However, the layers of muscle covering the antagonist are too tight for the student. About to perish under Muscular's beatings, Shindo is saved by Deku's intervention.

Having arrived in the area thanks to Danger Sense, Deku uses his new powers to stop the antagonist that has given him many headaches in the past. With a clever combination of Float, Smokescreen and Black Whip, Deku eventually manages to find a gap between the villain's muscles and hitting him with a 45% smash leaving no way out.

After defeating Muscular and leaving him in front of a prison, Deku returns to All Might, the only person still close to him, working with the Top 3 Endeavor, Hawks and Best Jeanist. Not even time to tell him what happened, what Deku springs back into action.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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