We're getting closer and closer to the end of ONE PIECE 1070, but that doesn't mean the final chapter is coming anytime soon. As the current Egghead saga has shown, with the revelations at stake, there is still a lot of material to be produced. And another step forward will be made at Christmas with the next chapter.

Here are the ONE-PIECE 1070 spoiler:

  • Chapter 1070 of ONE PIECE is titled "The Strongest Men";
  • In the cover story, five scientists have joined forces for the good of humanity and the world. The five scientists are Vegapunk, Caesar, Judge, Queen and an unknown woman;
  • The title refers to the Seraphim as they ate artificial devil fruit;
  • Sentomaru is not dead, just crushed and taken away for treatment, however Lucci managed to take control of the Seraphim.
  • The clash between Luffy and Lucci continues;
  • Rob Lucci doesn't hurt the Straw Hat Pirates' captain in the slightest;
  • Vegapunk begins to explain how difficult it is to replicate devil fruit to the crew;
  • Zoos Zoos are easy to recreate as they are based on animals, and only the mythological fruits are really difficult to prepare and require special circumstances;
  • Paramishas require the user's "legacy" factor;
  • Vegapunk doesn't want to touch on the Rogia theme because it seems endless and it seems like there is a story behind how he partially gained Kizaru's powers;
  • On the last page of ONE PIECE 1070, Kizaru lands in Egghead;

Then, after the first official spoiler page featuring Luffy VS Lucci, more information pours in on a chapter that seems equally important and full of revelations. Another Apex challenge is forming against one of the strongest humans in ONE PIECE.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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