Since 2019, the world of digital manga has changed dramatically with theArrival of MangaPlus, Shueisha's legal and free platform that allows the use of multiple titles at the level of Japanese publication. The move appeared to be an immediate success as it resulted in the closure of several illegal UK websites.

Over the months MangaPlus has grown and achieved an excellent number of visitors, which has enabled a constant increase in the number of manga proposed, but also in the languages. In fact, MangaPlus was recently updated with Portuguese and seems to have some other translations planned. On Twitter, the editor Momiyama reported on the state of Mangaplus after the last meeting.

Momiyama communicated that I The most-read manga in May 2021 were ONE PIECE, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Black Clover, Dr. Stone, Spy x Family, Monster # 8, Dragon Ball Super, Boruto and Choujin X (new series by Tokyo Ghoul author). In reality, the editors were convinced that they saw many titles with an anime in the top 10, instead there are several New products without adjustments such as Spy x Family, Monster # 8 and Choujin X.

These works appear to be widespread because not only are they highly valued by the public, but they are only published on the internet and therefore there are no spoilers or pirated copies to anticipate the content. In this way, the works spread faster around the world and through official channels. Precisely for this reason, Momiyama made an important comment: would like to add even more languages ​​to the platform so that everyone can enjoy the work of Jump at the same time.

So it seems that Shueisha took a decisive step in spreading her manga around the world.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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