Warning! This review on Tokyo Reavenger Chapter one contains spoilers. If you haven’t seen the episode yet, I recommend watching it and then going back to read the review.
# 1 reborn
Tokyo Revengers Chapter one begins with Takemichi Hanagaki hearing the news and discovering the recent death of his former high school girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana. It’s been 12 years since his bright memories now he’s just a pathetic adult with a mediocre job. Takemichi accidentally falls on the train tracks and returns to the past, into his sophomore year. The moment of his return is the day he and his friends became messengers of some members of Tokyo Manji, the criminal gang that caused Hinata’s death in the future. Takemichi is looking for Hinata because he no longer remembers her face. When he sees her, his feelings for her are rekindled.
Later, while thinking in the park, he stops some people teasing a boy who turns out to be Hinata’s younger brother. Without thinking much about it, Takemichi Naoto reveals everything and promises him to take care of Hinata, by shaking her hand, he returns to the present. He wakes up in the ward’s infirmary, was saved from an accident and the one who saved him was exactly Naoto. Although Takemichi could change the future and save Naoto, Hinata could not be saved. But Naoto has not given up and is convinced that Takemichi is the key to saving his sister.
Old school style
Tokyo Revengers is the animated adaptation of the manga of the same name, which was written and illustrated by Wakui. It was LIDEN FILMS that welcomed this project, and while there weren’t any celebrity contributors, I can say that many of us have been waiting for it. At a time when stories have to worry about every step, a breath of fresh air comes to us, a story that points us to a more pleasant past. And it is that one of the biggest attractions of this series is that it has a Shonen style in the past, the Showa era criminals are near extinction and Tokyo Revengers He came to revive her.
But of course, it’s not just Shonen’s passion for friendship, fighting, and rudeness that makes this a unique story. Its second climax is this incursion into the supernatural, which affects the idea of time travel. Obviously, it’s not the first or the last story that uses this formula, but as in every case, there is an originality that works for the narrative. I can see many who compare the premise with DeletedExcept that we have gang members here, not elementary school children. It’s a functional premise and we’ll see how time manages to take it off and exploit it in its own way.
Before I go any further, let me make it clear that I am a fan of this story. The manga is addicting. But, as always, I promise you that even if I really want to, I will keep the references to the manga to a minimum and not spoil the story. With that in mind, do the same, and if you can’t dodge the spoiler, at least hide it.
Turning point
Well, let’s go all the way to what we saw in this episode. Personally, I believe that one of the highlights of this beginning is the significance of the turning points in our lives. We saw how it started. Takemichi is a pretty pathetic adult, he has no real motivation and he himself admits that his best moment was 12 years ago. When he makes his leap back in time, we meet a different version of him, through his friends we realize that he is someone who is important to many. We certainly believe this was the best time of his life, especially when we contrast it with what we saw in the beginning. But it doesn’t take long for something to go wrong and then the revelation happens: A single event can change our entire life for better or for worse.
We call a climax a “turning point”, it is a moment in our life that becomes transcendent because it marks a before and an after in us. For Takemichi, the moment came when he and his friends became “soldiers” of Tokyo Manji. The constant abuses were too much and I ran away, which distanced him from everyone and separated him from those who were important to him at the time. However, life does not have a single turning point, and for Takemichi a new one emerged with this return to the past. But unlike the first moment he was drawn into it, this time he decided to approach it himself.
But not only Takemichi was involved in this turning point, Naoto too. This offender’s confession was certainly insane, but Naoto took it seriously and made a change, he survived. Naoto’s survival becomes the third turning point. It is the final decision of both to save Hinata by teaming up.
Fate inevitable?
The next item in the menu for this check is the destination. We name any event that we believe to be inevitable and inevitable, and just as it can be accompanied by romantic connotations, it can also be accompanied by a more tragic glimmer. The latter brings us this story, Hinata’s tragedy is the thread that entangles everything. I don’t want to think about it too much as you still need to know how Takemichi’s time travel works. If this develops further, we can go back to that point, but for now the question remains whether it is really possible to prevent Hinata’s death. After all, that is what it all began and according to the law of causality, without Hinata’s death nothing can happen from the start. But as I said, let’s give the development time and come back to this question.
Final comment
Tokyo Revengers Chapter one was a very well-run episode, we had drama, comedy, tragedy, mystery and reflection, all at a very good narrative pace. In general the animation was pretty clean, the bright colors predominated and that gave her a good view. It reminded me a little of the eighties series, maybe because of this whole criminal issue, even though they’re not even close to the eighties. To be the beginning of this story, I think they did more than an excellent job presenting the conflict and creating interest in how it will unfold in the future. In general I am satisfied, I also liked the character design, they are not too far from Wakui’s design and it is appreciated.
Before closing the review, let’s talk about how perfect the opening was. We already knew from the title of the song that it was an homage to our protagonist Takemichi. Official HiGE DANdism’s Cry Baby is a song with rhythm and power that makes us feel the emotional carousel that awaits us. As for the graphics, I just want to say that the spoiler has a small opening. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, it helps me see how far we will go in this adjustment. Apparently we can say that Toman’s confrontation against Valhalla is confirmed.
So far, I’ll leave you with the usual questions: What did you think of this chapter? Do you think it was a good start for this story? What do you think of Takemichi? What plan do Naoto and Takemichi have to save Hinata?