In a recent revelation that has captured the attention of anime and light novel enthusiasts, the creator of the successful series “Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!” disclosed the unexpected inspiration behind the work – the popular anime “Darling in the Franxx.”
The author candidly shared how Ichigo, the blue-haired childhood friend character from “Darling in the Franxx,” sparked the concept for “Makeine.” This inspiration led to an innovative narrative focusing on characters who traditionally face rejection in romantic storylines.
“In ‘Darling in the Franxx,’ there is a blue-haired heroine (Ichigo). She is the protagonist’s childhood friend, a somewhat serious representative of small stature, but she had all the elements of a losing heroine. And, as expected, she lost to the main heroine in the story. As I watched this, I thought about writing a novel where a childhood friend would win. However, if the childhood friend wins, that means another girl becomes the losing heroine. That didn’t make sense, so I decided to focus only on the losing heroines, and Makeine was born.”
- Creative Genesis: The author’s observation of Ichigo’s character arc as a “losing heroine” prompted the development of “Makeine”
- Concept Evolution: Initial plans to write about a victorious childhood friend character evolved into a broader exploration of rejected heroines
- Character Development: Anna Yanami’s character draws direct inspiration from Ichigo’s archetype
- Narrative Innovation: The series subverts traditional romantic tropes by focusing exclusively on characters who typically face romantic defeat
The Story:
The story centers on Kazuhiko Nukumizu, a first-year high school student who becomes involved with three rejected heroines, including Anna Yanami, who seeks solace after being turned down by her childhood friend.
Social Media Response:
The revelation has generated significant discussion in anime communities, with fans drawing parallels between “Makeine” and other works inspired by “Darling in the Franxx.” Responses have particularly highlighted the creative transformation of the source material into an original narrative concept.
Original author interview (雨森たきび/小学館/マケイン応援委員会), Twitter community responses